Gear Paralysis – Making A Song Every Day | MEMP008

Welcome back to the Matt Elias Music Podcast! This week’s topics include: Gear Paralysis, Making a Song Every Day and my surprise electronic album “Social Distance!”

New Full-Length Electronic Record, “SOCIAL DISTANCE!”

“Social Distance” is an electronic concept album based on real life that started as a daily challenge to create a full song every day during the first two weeks of isolation in the COVID-19 crisis of 2020. Each day, Matt created a new piece to reflect the vibe of that day as he experienced it. […]

Matt Elias Music Podcast Introduction – MEMP000

This is a brief introduction to the weekly Matt Elias Music Podcast with host Matt Elias. Subscribe to join Matt’s journey to learn as much about music as possible. WITH lame humor and no illusions of expertise included!

The Darc Side Podcast Does Hollywood Remakes PREVIEW

Get in early on a bite-sized piece of the upcoming Darc Side episode featuring a lively discussion of Hollywood remakes (and how terrible they all are!) *NSFW Podcast*

Double Harmonic Major Scale – Saddest Little Scale

Ever wondered what could be the darkest exotic scale? The double harmonic major scale is a good contender. Also (debatably improperly) known as the Gypsy Major, Arabic, or Byzantine scale, it is built by flatting 2 of the intervals of the diatonic major scale: the ii and the vi. This creates a pair of augmented […]

Boss Katana Head Acoustic!

The Boss Katana head is a super-versatile piece of gear that can handle a wide variety of jobs for a gigging guitarist (I’ve even run my digital piano through the thing into a 4×12 guitar cab, just for fun.) Aside from being a great-sounding solid state amp that approaches real valve feel and tone, the […]

Weebs, Tech Death, and Furries, oh my!

We had a full house this week as we chatted with Tyler Cox (of Simulacra) and Nick Padovani (of Equipoise) about Weebs, Technical Death Metal, Dave and Tyler’s distaste for furries, and much more! *Very NSFW!